A concierge-style service that sources qualified tutors for our students, providing an unmatched experience that will change the way our students approach tutoring.
Get startedGet started for just $10/month. Cancel anytime.
We understand that our students, and their families, have busy schedules, which is why we provide flexible scheduling that allows our students to receive tailored instruction that fits into their schedules.
Whether our students prefer meeting with a tutor on a regular basis, or just need guidance and support before an exam, we are here to provide personalized and convenient in-person or virtual instruction to students of all ages.
Try it nowOur tutors are not only qualified educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively tutor our students, but due to the way our platform is operated, it is possible that they may even teach at your students’ schools!
At Arch City Tutors, safety is our top priority, with strict vetting for all tutors. We offer flexible, pay-as-you-go sessions, saving students both money and time while supporting learning beyond the classroom.
At Arch City Tutors, we help our students grasp concepts more efficiently, so they have time to explore additional learning opportunities, which can’t always be learned in a classroom.
With an easy-to-use and advanced dashboard, Arch City Tutors is your gateway to finding the perfect tutor and scheduling tutoring sessions with ease.
Students pay a fixed monthly membership fee to gain access to our vast network of tutors. Students pay a fixed scheduling fee each time they schedule a tutoring session. At the conclusion of each tutoring session, students pay an agreed upon tutoring fee directly to the tutor.
Only educators certified with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education can apply and will be approved (pending the successful completion of our vetting process).
Get startedGet started for just $3.33/day.
Get startedBilled monthly.
This is a non-refundable scheduling fee paid directly to Arch City Tutors.
Get startedPrices include any applicable taxes.
At Arch City Tutors, we’re seeking those who share our vision of personalized learning. We offer flexible tutoring to fit busy schedules, helping both students and educators thrive.
Still have a question?Student memberships can be purchased by clicking here.
Arch City Student Members are able to login to their account and book tutoring sessions. Student Members can select the date and time they prefer to meet with a tutor, then filter through available tutors to find one that meets their preferences.
Each tutoring session on the website is accompanied by a $5 scheduling fee, paid online via credit card at the time of booking. At the conclusion of the tutoring appointment, your tutor will be paid directly at their own set rate. Many members choose to utilize Venmo or PayPal, but if a session is in-person, cash/check may be utilized as well.” to “In addition to paying the $5 Scheduling Fee upon booking the tutoring sessions, students are required to directly pay their tutor the agreed upon rate at the conclusion of the tutoring session. Many members choose to utilize Venmo or PayPal, but if a session is in-person, cash/check may be utilized as well.
At Arch City Tutors, we are confident in our tutors’ abilities to assist with most educational needs. If you have specific concerns about tutor capability for what you’re looking for, reach out to our team directly so we may assist!
Yes! Your membership may be canceled at any time through your account’s Billing Settings.
Tutoring sessions can be booked in advance, or with very short notice. Our team of tutors keeps their availability as up to date as possible so that you can book any time you need assistance!
Get started for just $10/month. Cancel anytime.
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